Loan Officer
- Verification to the field of credit applications
- Reviewing the funding application and provide funding recommendations to the UM
- Minimum D3, max 35 years
- Preferably have experience of credit / financing in the banking / microfinance / financial institutions
- at least 1 (one) year Mastering the language and local culture
- Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel)
- Preferred has a customer base and motor vehicles (SIM C)
- Finding new customers
- Maintaining good relations with customers
- Develop and manage portfolio financing
- Minimum D3, max 35 years
- Preferred to have experience of sales / marketing in the banking / micro finance institutions / financial institutions of at least 1 (one) year
- Master the language and local culture
- Preferred has a customer base and motor vehicles (SIM C)
- Perform regular billing to the customer
- D1 minimal education, age maximum 35 years
- Preferred to have experience as a collector in the banking / micro finance institutions / financial institutions at least 1 year
- Have a motorized vehicle (SIM C)
- Manage disbursement of funding accurately and timely
- Transact deposit receipts
- D1 minimal education, age maximum 30 years
- Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel)
- Perform routine administrative and operational financing
- D3 education, age maximum 32 years
- Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel)
- Leading and managing a business unit
- Decide on financing, developing and managing the portfolio of financing
- A maximum of 38 years of age, education S1
- Experienced preferred statistic is 2 (two) years or 3 (three) years as a Loan Officer / Marketing Officer in the banking / micro finance institutions / financial institutions
- Master the language and local culture
- Experienced team lead
- Preferred has a customer base and motor vehicles (SIM C)
For those interested candidates, please apply online in the following link.
Apply Online
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